Starting Solids ABC
Learning to eat solid food is a gradual process, mostly involving getting your baby used to new textures, more flavors, eating from a spoon and learning chewing movements. Continue to breastfeed or give formula as usual during this period. Because breast milk and formula are so nutritious, don't worry if your baby wants to go slowly.
What you need:
A high chair (preferably with a tray and footrest)
Bibs (or feed in just the diaper and shower after)
Bowls, preferably one that attaches to the tray
2 Spoons (like this you can preload one spoon and let the baby play with the other)
An open cup
Things to think about:
Create a calm and peaceful environment without too many distractions.
Always supervise your child at feeding time.
Eat together with your baby!
Let your child get messy! Touching the food helps your baby's brain learn how food feels in the mouth and prepares your baby for the sensory experience of eating
Avoid overreacting and do not panic when you feel scared. Instead try to guide your child by showing them what to do when they vomit or gauge.
Try to establish a food routine and fixed times.
Young children are vulnerable to bacteria and viruses that can cause stomach flu. That's why it's important to pay attention to hygiene when cooking for your child.
Prepare yourself by watching YouTube videos to see the difference between gagging and choking.